A day dedicated to biodiversity !

On Thursday, October 19th, a day dedicated to the preservation of biodiversity took place at Golf du Touquet. This event was organized by FFGreen as part of the Golf for Biodiversity Program, initiated by the French Golf Federation with the support of the Museum of Natural History.

The schedule featured a golf competition on La Mer course for the golfing guests, along with a presentation of the Golf for Biodiversity Program for non-golfers, followed by a guided tour of the golf course.

On this occasion, the French Golf Federation (ffgolf) awarded the Silver label to our two golf courses on the Opal Coast, Golf du Touquet and Golf d’Hardelot, at the end of the day. This certification serves as a splendid recognition, as it currently stands as the highest honor within the program.

Journée ffgreen, Golf du Touquet, Programme Golf pour la Biodiversite, Resonance Golf Collection
Remise des labels Argent Golf pour la Biodiversité par la Fédération Française de Golf, Resonance Golf Collection
Journée golf lors de la remise des label biodiversité, au Golf du Touquet, Resonance Golf Collection
Journée Golf pour la Biodiversité au Golf d'Hardelot en présence de la Fédération Française de Golf, Resonance Golf Collection

The result of dedicated efforts towards the preservation of biodiversity.

The golf courses of Le Touquet and Hardelot have been actively engaged in sustainable development and biodiversity preservation for several years now. By participating in the Golf for Biodiversity Program, both golf courses collaborated with a naturalist organization in the Hauts de France region to conduct an ecological assessment. By gaining a more comprehensive understanding of the wildlife and plant life present on their golf courses, they were able to implement concrete actions aimed at achieving their recent Silver label certification.

38 golfs received the Silver label, including Golf du Touquet and Golf d’Hardelot

This is an ongoing and progressive endeavor that unfolds over time. The Golf for Biodiversity label is awarded for a period of 5 years. The current objective is to continue the actions that have already been initiated, implement new ones, and, of course, ultimately strive for the Gold label, which represents the highest level of distinction within the Program.

Silver label Golf for Biodiversity at Golf d’Hardelot

The ecological expertise report conducted by the Cheroutre Cabinet has demonstrated that Golf d’Hardelot is a favorable environment for the development of various fauna and flora species. The golf course hosts nearly 200 species, including 19 certain heritage species, some of which are endemic to the Hauts-de-France region.

Préservation de la faune au Golf d'Hardelot, ici les canards ont élu domicile sur le golf, Resonance Golf Collection

Following this report and in pursuit of obtaining the Silver label, Golf d’Hardelot has implemented concrete actions, including:

  • The creation of a pond and the enhancement of its banks (Pins Course)
  • Installing birdhouses and insect hotels on existing buildings and throughout the courses
  • Managing the excess Sycamore Maples (Dunes Course)
  • Combating Invasive Exotic Species (Dunes Course)
  • Establishing micro-habitats (such as deadwood, stumps, and logs) on both courses
Hôtels à insectes, Golf d'Hardelot, Resonance Golf Collection
Creation d'une marre au Golf d'Hardelot, Biodiversité, Resonance Golf Collection
Gestion des érables, Golf d'Hardelot, label Ardgent biodiversité, Resonance Golf Collection

This new certification is a remarkable acknowledgment of our teams who work diligently every day in the respect and preservation of the ecosystem that surrounds them. Six more of our golf courses are currently in the process of obtaining the Silver label.

As of now, four of our golf courses have been labeled as follows:
  • 2 golf courses awarded the Silver label
  • 2 golf courses awarded the Bronze label
2 golf courses awarded the Silver label
2 golf courses awarded the Bronze label