The Bronze Golf For Biodiversity Label awarded to Golf de Seignosse and Golf de Sainte Baume

We take great pride and happiness in sharing with you this new certification, which bears witness to Resonance Golf Collection’s daily commitment to sustainable development and the preservation of biodiversity.

This label represents a certification from the Golf for Biodiversity Program, initiated by the French Golf Federation (ffgolf) in collaboration with the National Museum of Natural History. It serves to enhance the understanding, management, and conservation of biodiversity within golf courses and to raise awareness about the importance of respecting wildlife and flora. It is awarded to golf courses based on their efforts across three levels: Bronze, Silver, and Gold.

The initiatives implemented to attain the label

Bronze Label for Biodiversity at Golf de Seignosse

The ecological expertise report conducted by Seignaux et Adour has demonstrated that Golf de Seignosse provides a favorable environment for the development of various fauna and flora species. There are a total of 181 species, including 33 heritage species, some of which are endemic to the Landes region, and a few even face the threat of extinction.

Following this report and in pursuit of attaining the Bronze label, Golf de Seignosse has implemented concrete actions, including:

  • The establishment of insect hotels, which subsequently serve to sustain the numerous species of birds and bats.
  • The establishment of bat shelters, birdhouses, and bird feeders to create a genuine habitat and preserve certain species; the golf course has already observed the return of the Kingfisher.
  • Implementation of measures against invasive species, both fauna and flora, such as Pampas Grass and even the Louisiana Crayfish in the Lake at Hole No. 11.
Le Golf de Seignosse œuvre quotidiennement en faveur du respect de la faune et la flore locale, Resonance Golf Collection
Le Golf de Seignosse a mis en place des cabanes à oiseaux dans le cadre du programme golf pour la biodiversité avec la ffgolf, Resonance Golf Collection
Label golf pour la biodiversité au Golf de Seignosse, label Argent, Resonance Golf Collection

Bronze Label for Biodiversity at Golf Sainte Baume

The ecological expertise report conducted by the Sainte Baume Regional Natural Park has highlighted a highly diverse ecological context, conducive to biodiversity development. There are no fewer than 19 different types of habitats, with a total of 400 fauna and flora species, including 3 heritage species.

Following this report and in pursuit of attaining the Bronze label, Golf de Sainte Baume has implemented concrete actions, including:

  • The creation and installation of insect nests that provide them with shelter and sanctuary.
  • The establishment of natural meadows around certain holes to promote the development of specific species.
  • The cessation of irrigation in rough areas, in accordance with the water usage regulations charter.

In parallel with these efforts, an awareness campaign has been conducted, including the installation of educational panels at each starting point, providing information about the indigenous fauna and flora of the region.

Hôtel à insectes au Golf Sainte Baume, action golf écologie, Resonance Golf Collection
Herbe haute pour l'écologie au Golf Sainte Baume, Resonance Golf Collection
Panneau biodiversité au Golf Sainte Baume, Resonance Golf Collection

This new label serves as recognition for our teams who have been dedicated to the preservation of their ecosystem for many years. It sheds light on the ongoing commitment to ecological matters. Additionally, seven other golf courses within our collection are in the process of obtaining the Silver Label