Golf de Nîmes Vacquerolles opening hours, closing days and directions

Opening hours

The golf club is open:

  • 7.30 am to 5.30 pm (low season)
  • 7.30 am to 6.30 pm (high season)

Golf club closing days

The golf club is closed on 25 December and 1 January every year.

Getting there by car

Golf de Nîmes Vacquerolles
1075 chemin du Golf
30900 Nîmes

Getting there by public transport

Bus Line 4, Golf/Vacquerolles <> Pont de Justice
“Vacquerolles-Golf” stop

Getting there by train

15 minutes by car from Nîmes TGV centre and 25 minutes Nîmes TGV Pont du Gard

Getting there by plane

Nîmes Camargue Airport 25 minutes by car